i Göteborgs Tyska (O)
omkring 1830
i Strömstad (O)
från Strömstad (O)
till Norge
från Norge
till Strömstad (O)
från Strömstad (O)
till Tanums kyrkoområde (O)
från 1850
i Tanums kyrkoområde (O)
Flyttade till Frydenberg, Glemmen
från Tanums kyrkoområde (O)
till Fredrikstad
i Fredrikstad
Dödsorsak: Självmord genom hängning
Första gången jag hittar JJD 1815 är i Strömstad (O) AI:9 (1825-1832) Bild 53 / sid 97. Han var ju en ung pojk då ensam i Strömstad, men vart kom han ifrån ?? Jag har också letat i alla Göteborgsböcker... man kan ju hoppas han dyker upp när allt är scannat för vissa församlingar har ju inga födelseuppgifter från 1815. (K: PG Persson, 2006)Trädgårdsmästare på Westerby 1 i TanumØstfold fylke, Østre Fredrikstad, Ministerialbok nr. 1 (1878-1909), Døde og begravede 1878, side 1
0071Familyname: PœpkeGiven namn: Johan Jacob DanielBorn: 1816-02-16 in Göteborg at the Sahlgrenska hospital.(Formerly it was always noted that he was born 1815-05-10. Why it was so is until now not known. Oddly enough that wrong date of birth is 9 month too early and could be the date of conception. The use of a wrong date of birth has blocked the research of his antecedentia. By now, August 2012, the following notes about Johan Jacob Daniel Paepke are correct and certified by official Norwegian and Swedish authority documents, or personal notes in possession.).Baptised: 1816-02-16 in Sahlgrenska, Göteborg Kristine, and noted in the Kristine and in the German Immigrant parish books in GöteborgDeath 1878-10-16 in Fredrikstad, Borge parish,Norway with the note that he died by suicide hanging and buried by the parish priest in Borge. Father Johan Jacob Daniel Paepke, born in Appelhagen, Germany 1792-09-27, dead in Strömstasd Sweden 1871-07-19, baker and townsman, at the birth of his son, immigrant and apprentice.Mother Annika Christensdotter, (we are searching for her antecedentia, she had links with Strömstad, and could well have led the father there, where he established himself.Marriage Married 1841-04-17 in Kristiania, Norway, where noted the birth date 1816-02-16 in Göteborg. Wife Gunilla Andersdotter, born in Akershus, Kristiania, Norway, Her father artillery officer.Children Alfred emigrated to the USA, Johan August emigrated to the NZ, Julius Efraim Custom officer in Göteborg, Charles Hagbert I, died as baby, Charles Hagbert II, mariner, settled in Gävle, Sweden, Hilda, Walters grandmother, activ in church- and temperance work. Notes on Johan Jacob Daniel Paepke II (JJDII), 1816-18781816-02-16 Born in Göteborg, parents not married, stayed with motherAnnika 1825 - 1832 School pupil and apprentice in Strömstad Stayed in a home for single children but worked in his fathers bakery., 1841 Married in Kristiania with Gunilla Andersdotter born 18111842 Moves from Kristiania to Kragerø in Norway. Alfred and Johan born. They remained in Norway1850-11-06 Moves to Tanum Västerby in Sweden. He is then gardener.1850-08-30 Moves toStrömstad with wife and 2 children, works in his father, JJD I´s bakery. His wife dies and possibly due to dispute about heritage JJD II is forced, by his father´s legitimate children to leave Strömstad, after only 4 months.1851 JJD II moves from Tanum to Grebbestad. 1852 - 1860 He stays in Tanum parish, working as gardener. Sweden has bad harvests and a general unemployment crisis. The family moves several times, probably under hard conditions. The children find employments, Julius is enlisted in the army, Hagbert as sailor and little Hilda is sent to her grandmother i Akershus, where she stays and receives good education.1873-11-17 JJDII and wife Gunilla moves from Grebbestad to Fredriksstad in Norway, only to find that their son Johan August who lived there had left for New Zealand 65 days earlier.1878-10-16 JJD II dead by hanging in Fredrikstad, is buried there. In a couple of weeks the widow Gunilla moves to Göteborg in Sweden, where she lives in the house of her son Julius til her death in 1893.Personal commentary. Johan Jacob Daniel Paepke1816-1878, was all his life regarded as an illegitimate son, with no rights to the wealth of his father. The father maybe willing to identify him was hindered by his children and second wife who defensed their right to the heritage. There are many descendants of this ”Paepke-Strömstad branch”, scattered over Sweden. I am the descendant of the ”illegitimate branch” descending from Johan Jacob Daniel born out of wedlock in Göteborg and dead by suicide. In the time the least morally accepted start and end. Now he is finally identified and I can prove the blood line back to the Paepkes in Appelhagen, Germany who lived and worked on the Zeppelin property. Out of this partly tragic history has grown different hearsays and fantasy stories, here I try to describe his story as close to the truth as possible. The story is tragic and he was probably morally condemned, an illegitimate child of an immigrant who committed suicide. Far from an etablished and wealthy nobelman, but my forefather.The now living descendants from the ”illegitimate” Paepke-line after Johan Jacob Daniel II, show many good qualities. He faught an impossible battle against poverty in a social situation with political upheavels. Our forefathers (foremothers !) tried to hide the grim truth and create a nicer story for us, the descendants. It was with good intention, but nothing can replace the truth. One consequence of the Johan Jacob Daniel II life, could have been that his children Julius and Hilda engaged themselves in church and social revival movements leading to free evangelical church, social and political engagement. Also the emigrant families who started new life in the U.S.A. and the N.Z, through JJD II:s sons Alfred and Johan August came from JJD II . The oustanding quality of Gunilla who took care of the children is our heritage, as well as the battle and trials of Johan Jacob Daniel who finally took his life out of despair or what we do not know. His thoughts and reflections are hidden but would be interesting to know. Without doubt he is a link to Johan Jacob Daniel Paepke I, and so we can continue the research after roots in the Paepke German story, which really belongs to us..This paper is much due to the research work made by Per Gunnar Persson and is written in Halmstad 2012-08-06 with much greetings to our cousin Dave Shaw in Christchurch, New Zealand, descendant of JJD II:s son Johan Jacob August Paepke who with his wife Bolithe and their son John Albert arrived on board the ship s/s Höfding to Napier New Zealand in 1873, sailing from Fredrikstad 1873-08-13. Walter Persson
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm “John” PaepkeBirth: 1842Death: Feb 1920 (aged 77–78) Ellsworth, Ellsworth County, Kansas, USABurial: Arlington Cemetery, Arlington, Reno County, Kansas, USAMemorial #: 82774550Bio: Married in Germany Oct 25, 1869. Parents of 10 children and 4 are also buried in Arlington cemetery: Hannah Paepke 1886-1910, Minnie L Millard 1873-1944, Rose B Mester 1877-1911, and Samuel Oliver Paepke 1882-1959.Family Members Spouse Johanna Christina Maria Lorrenz Paepke 1845-1908 Children Mary H Paepke Lindsey 1871-1942 Minnie L. Paepke Millard 1873-1944 Rose B. Papke Mester 1877-1911 Lena V. Paepke Dressler 1879-1956 Samuel Oliver Paepke 1882-1959 Hannah Paepke 1886-1910Created by: KsHis (47497372)Added: 31 Dec 2011URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/82774550/johann-friedrich_wilhelm-paepkCitation: Find A Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com : accessed 29 November 2018), memorial page for Johann Friedrich Wilhelm “John” Paepke (1842–Feb 1920), Find A Grave Memorial no. 82774550, citing Arlington Cemetery, Arlington, Reno County, Kansas, USA ; Maintained by KsHis (contributor 47497372) .